Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sometimes it just gets too hard!!!!!

I find myself wondering,  is this all worth anything...sure I'm having a good time and sure I'm loving being among all these wonderful beads and being able to run my fingers through the shiny objects on a whim....but how do I stop the old habit of making it a 'job'? UGHHH....that word, it absolutely makes me crazy-but I'm drivin to it. Almost too much.  I get something and have to have it so perfect so quickly that I forget to enjoy the process, it happens every time in everything I do!  Is the fact that I know retail too well and know that if you have a customer in your store (in my case ebay) and you don't have what they want on the site, but its instead sitting on your floor, they will leave and go somewhere else, never to be found again in internet space??????...or is it that I just have the need for perfection no matter the cost?   I never thought that I would blog but in my infinite attempt to seek perfection I thought this the perfect avenue to attract buyers and now its turned into a venting area, or a learning tool more or less.  But none the less, I push forward to see what happens and if nothing else I have millions of beads to carry me to my grave, which I am almost sure Fabian would bury me with at this point!!!! Peanut (the kitty in the pic above) has had it and is resting her weary eyes which I should learn to do the same!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Weary eyes...yes, it seems no matter what we do, striving for perfection only makes for weariness instead of joy. Again it is always about the balance and how to maintain.

    Beats me! I may never actually achieve that level, but strive for it. Meanwhile, keep remembering why you got into this and don't worry about being perfect...that's what is great about hand made jewelry! They are all unique!
