Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beading is the life:)

Well, I guess I could say that beading is great if I actually had time to make jewelry these days but I've been a busy bee putting supplies up on ebay.  Which is great, don't get me wrong, I still get to run my fingers through all the great jewels, crystals, pearls etc.-but theres nothing like putting them all together and then ending up with something beautiful at the end!....see pic above:)
I guess whats hard for me is being able to balance...isn't that the word for the century!!!! What the heck is balance, I either go 1000% on one thing or not at all! But its coming, slowly but surely-and I know that my rekindled love for anything I can put string or wire in or around will help me learn that everything in my life has its place and its time for me to pay attention to it!  But for now, I've been told I need to clean off my chair (its the ultimate place all my clothes go that aren't dirty but aren't clean enough to get put away) and I suppose I will comply and maybe dust the bed side tables while I'm at it-it does make me feel better, but the heap of new jewels that are on my desk waiting for my imagination to play are calling loudly so we will see just how the morning turns out!!!
Ta-Ta for now, and HAPPY BEADING!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Skip the will always be there! Just keep doing what you do, and love, best and all will be well.

    Good to see you are finding a way to balance it all...still working on it myself, but it gets easier ;)

    Love ya!
